
From a light skin moisturizer based on biological Argan Oil to transparent lip-balm and the most natural eyeliner in the world: more and more of our customers are men. Since 2011, Luxyliner has promoted it’s products as “unisex”. Since then, even companies like Chanel and CVS follow in our footsteps of men’s makeup. While for most people make-up doesn’t seem a “man-thing”, a quick look in the historybooks show us that men were indeed used to wearing makeup for centuries. At Luxyliner.com, we decided to take a closer look at this “new” phenomenon.

Men used makeup thousands of years ago

As you might know, during the Old Egyptians, rulers were known to wear makeup like eyeliners.

Beauty and the Bloke

In the film- and TV-industry, men have worn makeup from the early 19th century.

It’s not “gay” for  males to wear makeup

The reason why makeup for men is still too far away to be deemed “common” is the fact that there’s a taboo for men to wear makeup. In reality, most people agree on the fact that the amount of makeup together with one’s behaviour could decide the “gayness” of a person. We advise men to only wear just a little bit of our makeup (foremost our eyeliner) in order not to attrackt too much unwanted attention.

Eastern and Arab culture have normalized male makeup

For hundreds of years, men have actually worn makeup. It’s simply a tradition in places like Pakistan, Saudi-Arabia, India, Iran, Morocco and Yemen. Many muslim men also wear eyeliner and eyeshades to counter the hot sun in desert-like area’s. Did you know that many “khol eyeliners” in Pakistan, Morocco and India contain toxics? This is exactly the reason why Saudi-Arabia has forbidden the use of fake khol due to a high toxic attendance of lead in Chinese and Indian-made “khol”. We at Luxyliner have therefore launched the Luxyliner Eyeliner with pure natural ingrediënts.

The “Guyliner”, reïnvented and naturalized

Have a look at the best “Guyliner”, the Luxyliner. Our natural eyeliner is the #1 natural makeup product in the world, totally handmade from the best ingrediënts around the world. Our Luxyliner, the brand of our Khol Eyeliner, is very popular not only with women, but we see men order more and more cosmetics!

LUXYLINER Natural Eyeliner Kohl

LUXYLINER Natural Eyeliner Kohl

The fastest growing cosmetic branche?

Euromonitor predicts the men’s grooming and beauty market will be worth more than £49bn this year, a quadruple rise from what it generated in 2015. A decade ago the attitude towards it was a hornet’s nest of humour, incredulity and anger.

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